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Effective Team Building for Stronger Teams
TEAM LEADERS WORKSHOP Alice asked Cheshire cat "which road should I take?" (Cheshire cat) "Where do you want to go?" (Alice) "I don't know" (Cheshire cat) well it doesn't matter which road you take. How do you tell a good leader? "By how many people will follow them into battle" What is Coaching? A discussion process between members of an organization aimed at exerting a positive influence in the motivation, performance and awareness of areas for improvement and development of another person to help them be as effective as possible What is transformational Leaders! A literature search of over 200 books and articles confirmed that successful organisations had more innovative and productive teams and team members who were more loyal and committed. They also had leaders who exhibited characteristics that "transformed a group of individual into a high performance team." Our first research question was: If successful organisations had more innovative and productive team members, and if loyal and committed team members were more productive and innovative....what role does transformational leadership play in creating and sustaining individual team members loyalty, innovation, commitment, and productivity? Yet there existed no valid instrument for identifying those people who exhibited transformational leadership behaviours. We can identify transformational leaders by the way they exhibited these transformational characteristics; 1. Sharing the vision Acrostic - Leadership - Team A great philosopher was once asked what his style or way of leadership was. He said, "There isn't one style or way of doing things. Success in leadership comes from taking a bit of all the things you have learned from every style and way you have learnt it, and then adapting it to what you need for the environment, time and person you are dealing with." In other words there is no one-way to do things. I have chosen to take the good parts of many different leadership styles, and I have created my own blend of mix, so that I can implement what suits the occasion I am in, whenever and wherever it is needed. The best way I have heard it stated was by John Maxwell when he said, "No matter how much you learn from the past, it will never tell you all you need to know for the present." My Ice-burg Leadership Theory If what you see above the water is excellence, it's only due to the capacity of the teamwork and leadership below - this is what makes the team stable. As we get stronger spiritually we add support, commitment, ownership, passion loyalty, and growth to our team. If you want to be served you need to serve. If you want to be a good leader you need to be the best servant of all. Emulate what you wish to see in others. Value Verses Idea - What is the value of leadership? Why are you in leadership? Is it because the idea of becoming a leader sounds great? When times get tough an idea will not keep you going, if you value nothing your commitment will fluctuate. What is the value of the things you do? We need to be Consistent. Ask yourself if you are the same at work as you are at home and whether you work because you enjoy it, or you work because you need to. If you work because you need to, you are working for an idea; this type of person will clock on and clock off at the minute. Seven Leadership Mindsets; 1. Sow to grow not to survive - (don't just do what you have to, invest in development and growing yourself) Connection and communication We need to learn how to communicate and connect with people, our teams, and other leaders. Don't ever underestimate the importance of building relational bridges between yourself and the people you lead. There's an old saying: "To lead yourself, use your head; to lead others, use your heart." That's the nature of the Law of Connection. Always touch a person's heart before you ask them for a hand or to join your teams*. In our teams I am sure that we would like to see less people going out the back door and more people coming in the front door. * From John Maxwell's book 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Approach When we approach people it needs to be purposeful, we need to approach people firstly, because we feel that their giftings or calling will be an asset to the team and then secondly, so that we will have a better quality team and team members. The mistake that organisations sometimes fall into is to approach the area of the teams with nowhere near as much passion as they would leadership, too many organisations get people just to fulfil or perform a duty instead of finding out their passions. The type of methods and approach that we develop and implement will give us the results we wish to achieve. In creating the quality that is necessary for great teams, never allow yourself to settle for second best in your teams or leaders, especially when you are seeking to do your very best. The effectiveness of your organisation is a reflection of the importance you place on the performance of your teams, on the game day. The quality of our team is based both on the input we have with our leaders in running these areas, and the input our leaders have with their team members. What approach works? I will share with you my path to solving this problem. in my completed book that you can order. The greater number of people you Approach affects the number of Recruitment's you obtain. Recruitment Once we pass the approach stage, we then look at recruitment. The first stage of recruitment is for the candidate to accept the approach conditions, namely; " I would like the opportunity to develop the potential I see in you, and to be better equipped to fulfil you job." "Will you allow me and the team leaders to speak into and develop your calling and giftings?" On acceptance of these conditions, I then place them into a team that best suits their gifts and abilities. Not all team members want to go into leadership, not all of them are equipped for leadership, but this doesn't mean that we stop developing and training them. All team members need input, especially those new to the team. The greater number of people you Approach and the way you Recruit, affects your Retention rate. COMMUNICATION I have learnt over time that the hardest lesson to learn and the one we need to be continually developing in our lives is the art of communication. I have had to learn the hard way, as I bet a lot of you have had to. There are different ways to communicate to different groups of people, we cannot communicate to every one the same way; we don't communicate the same way to the same people all the time. I have found out that the next hardest thing to do is to learn how and when to communicate in the right way. I believe that this is a life long learning process; just as you think you have figured it all out a new challenge arises to tell you that you have not communicated well. If you don't learn to develop different ways to communicate, you will never be able to lead others effectively or efficiently. I found that the great leaders around the world are very good communicators in varied ways, communicating on different levels to different people. Communication is like our walk with Christ it is a never-ending growth lifestyle.The best way I have heard it stated was by John Maxwell when he said: "No matter how much you learn from the past, it will never tell you all you need to know for the present." The true measure of transformational leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less. "It's not the position that makes a leader; it's the leader that makes the position." -Stanley Huffty - Leadership is - Influence! Positional leadership doesn't work in volunteer organizations; if a leader doesn't have leverage - or influence - he is ineffective. In worldly organizations, the person who has a position has incredible leverage. In the military, leaders can use rank and, if all else fails, throw people in the brig. In business, bosses have tremendous leverage in the form of salary, benefits, and perks. Most followers are pretty cooperative when their livelihood is at stake. But in voluntary organisations, such as churches, the only thing that works is leadership 'in its purest form'. Leaders only have their influence to aid them. A transformational leader develops the characteristics of a leader of influence. What are the ten characteristics of an influencer? The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell Acrostic How to positively impact the lives of others becoming a person of influence. (John C. Maxwell & Jim Dornan) 1. Think big - plan well Bill Hybels has written a very good book on "Courageous Leadership" and in that book he relates to ten different styles of leadership, he states that "certain leadership styles fit better than others with specific needs. I am increasingly convinced that highly effective leaders often impact not only because they are highly gifted but also because their leadership styles mesh perfectly with specific needs. It follows then that discovering and developing your unique leadership style is another major key to your leadership effectiveness." I have concluded that to be in the position of building leaders and finding the right people for our organization to achieve the goals we have set, that we need to be well read and understand (if not a master) in the different types of personalities types and leadership styles so we can place the right people in the right positions. THE TEN LEADERSHIP STYLES 1. The visionary leadership style 2. The directional leadership style 3. The strategic leadership style 4. The managing leadership style 5. The motivational leadership style Some leaders view the motivation approach as a lightweight style of leadership. But it's a huge mistake to underestimate the value of this style. 6. The shepherding leadership style 7. The team - building leadership style When the appropriate people have been placed in appropriate position, the team-building leader says to the appointed team, "You know what we're trying to do. You know what part of the mission you're responsible for. You know what part the rest of us around the circle are responsible for. So - head out! Get on with it! Work hard in your department. Communicate with your co-labourers. Create action. Get the job done!" The difference between the shepherding leader and the team-building leader is that the team-builder is driven more by a clear understanding pf the vision than by the desire to nurture and build community. Of course, building teams always involves building community, but the unique strength of team-building leaders is that they have a stranglehold on the strategy and an acute insight into people that allows them to make precise placements of personnel into critical leadership roles. Leaders gifted as team-builders may or may not be skilled at managing their teams. In fact, many of them reason that management isn't all that critical anyway; if the right people are in the right slots doing the right things for the right reasons, these people will accomplish their goals whether or not there is someone looking over their shoulders. 8. The Entrepreneurial leadership style 9. The Reengineering leadership style These leaders enthusiastically dig in to uncover the original mission and the cause of the mission drift. They re-evaluate personnel, strategy, and values. They repeatedly meet with team members to help them figure out where the "old" went wrong and what the "new" should look like. 10. The Bridge-building leadership style The unique gift that Bridge-building leaders bring to this feat is enormous flexibility. They are diplomats who possess a supernaturally inspired ability to compromise and negotiate. They are specially gifted to listen, understand, and think outside of the box. CREATING A CLIMATE FOR POTENTIAL LEADERS The leader's toughest challenge: Creating a climate for potential leaders. Those leaders, who believe in our ability, do more than stimulate us - they create an atmosphere in which it becomes easier for us to succeed. Creating an environment that will attract leaders is vital to any organization. Creating an environment is the responsibility of the leaders. They must be active; they must generate activity that is productive; and they must encourage, create, and command changes in the organization. They must create a climate in which potential leaders will thrive. Leaders must be environmental change agents. The leaders in any organisation must be the environmental change agents. They must be more like thermostats than thermometers. At first glance, a person could confuse these two instruments, as both are capable of measuring heat; however, they are really quite different, how. A thermometer is passive; it records the temperature of its environment but can do nothing to change that environment. A thermostat is an active instrument, it determines what the environment will be; it effects change in order to create a climate. The attitude of the leader, coupled with a positive atmosphere in the organization, can entice people to accomplish great things. Consistent accomplishment generates momentum. Many times momentum is the only difference between a winning, positive growth climate and a loosing, negative growth climate. Don't delegate - empower The next time you find it difficult to adjust the environment in your organisation, keep in mind this simple fact from the laws of physics: Water boils at 212 degrees, but at 211 degrees, it is still just hot water One extra degree, an increase of less than one half of one percent, can make the difference between a pot of languishing liquid and bubbling caldron of power. One degree can create a full head of steam - enough power to move a train weighing tons. That one-degree is usually momentum.Leaders in some organisations don't recognize the importance of creating a climate conducive to building potential leaders; they don't understand how it works. Before people will want to connect with your team or they will need to know we care about them, how do we do this? We need to Connect - Communicate - then this shows we Care. Once they are on our team or in our church, we need to Care - Communicate - Connect. Connect What are some ways to connect with people? Let's have a look at the word Connect! Thesaurus Communicate How do you Communicate with people? There are people who, instead of listening to what is being said to them, are already listening to what they are going to say themselves. -Albert Guinon (1863 - 1923) "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."Bonnie Jean Wasmund Trevor's own ministry, Faith Works Itinerant Ministries, is available for seminars, training programmes and teaching on a variety of topics; some that he specialises in is the Ministry of Helps seminars and team and leadership development. For further information regarding any of the above courses or for Trevor's own ministry, please feel free to contact him direct at: FAITH WORKS Ministry of Helps The Word of God, The Character of God, Supernatural Prayer,Evangelism, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Faith,Exposition of Ephesians (focusing on the new creation reality)Ministry Gifts & Talents, The book of Mark, Abundance, Worship, Apologetics, Marriage and family, Thou shall Prosper, Heroes of the faith.
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Top Ten Things About Team Building People who lead the best teams realise early on that they cannot run their business alone. It will either kill them or they will fail. Creating a Winning Staff Team As a business owner, I've had staff come and go over the years: some have done extremely well, and others not so well. During the time I was involved in running my business, I found some weaknesses in myself that tremendously affected things that were going on, especially from a negative point of view. Feedback - Confirming the Good News The feedback I'm talking about here isn't some sort offormalised appraisal that takes place with your team membersevery month, or every six months or once a year. Thisfeedback happens continually and it happens when you see orhear something you want to give feedback on. Team Work - A Challenge of Character Over the years there has been much ado about team work, the value of teams, the ups and downs, the pros the cons! Some appear to work and others fail, why? Can your business benefit from a team work approach or not?As people we are 'complex beings' It never ceases to amaze me how we often gravitate to negative ways of thinking about others when we ourselves (if we are honest) have just as many flaws and faults. We often find ourselves thinking about the glass half empty instead of the glass half full. Team Development and Learning A tight knit team is a group of competent individuals who care deeply about each other and are fiercely committed to their mission. The members are highly motivated to combing their energy and expertise to achieve a common objective. Team Development in the Little Leagues A grassy field, two nets, a soccer ball and some playful youth is the ideal setting for a little league soccer game. You may have recalled yourself of a time when you observed these little league events. Solitude Vs Teamwork! Irrespective of any given situation, "Team Work Works!" It is not that students are incapable of studying in solitude, it is just that when they study in collaboration the synergy drives the students, one step further. During the learning period people tend to be skeptical and filled with fraught of underachieving, so they stick with the habit of solitary learning. Building a Successful Team Once you've set a goal for yourself as a leader - whether it is to create your own enterprise, energize your organization, build a church, or excel in sports - the challenge is to find good people to help you accomplish that goal. Gathering a successful team of people is not only helpful, it's necessary. Putting the I in Team This sports cliche is a memorable phrase that reminds people that team success is more important than individual glory. In that sense it is wonderful and is as true for business teams as it is for sports teams. Feedback For Learning Can Turn Your Team Into Winners Feedback:Most experts agree both types; constructive and positive feedback are beneficial and important to performance improvement. However, the way the feedback and timing of it are crucially factors. Creating Unity In Your Company The other day I got a call from a friend of mine about an earlier conversation we'd had. Here's what we talked about: Years before he had started a company which has now grown to the point where it has many offices across the USA. Leading the Witness: How Asking Questions as a Trainer Can Limit Learning and Reduce Trust "Asking questions can be a means of establishing authority, fulfilling leadership functions, and ensuring effective learning. In fact, asking questions is probably the most subtle power you have for controlling people. How Does Personal Development Help in Business? 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The secret to a productive mastermind team is for you to surround yourself with people who you can always learn from. How to Turn Idea Squashers into Possibilities Managing a small business continues to become more challenging. However, history has shown that resourceful business owners will succeed. How To Encourage Ideas From Your Team At Meetings You're at a meeting with key staff. You want some new ideas to address the topic. A Team That Gleamed Too many techies get a bad rap for lacking teamwork and communications skills. The stereotype is that while techies are great at what they are trained to do, they cannot parlay their knowledge onto others. General Patton and Leadership No figure in history is like General Patton. He was colorful, hard core and got the job done. ![]() |
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